I have gotten a lot of rejection letters and the 2 that wanted to read more of my book turned it down. The one agency told me that they considered my book more of a middle grade fiction book, so that is where I have gone wrong. I have switched gears and started sending letters to other types of agencies. Wish me luck!
I have been busy with writing and sending letters through both email and postal mail. I have gotten the interest of 2 publishers at the moment that requested part of my manuscript. I've gotten 7 out of 13 "nos" so far but I have started with New York agencies first. If I get turned down by all I try in New York then I will try California and then all other parts of the country to find an agent. I figured I would start at the top of the list with the big agents and go down the list until one accepts my work. Its been a challenge but I am determined not to give up. I started on a sequel novel that goes along with the first novel but can be understood without reading the first book.

    About Me

    My name is Kimberly and I am a James Madison University student. I have been researching the publishing process in order to apply it to a book I wrote. I looked specifically into young adult fiction because I write books that fall into that category. Please leave any comments about my website here or if you find anything helpful please post it!

    About my Book

    In 13 at Camp Somerset, thirteen-year-old Samantha Zelfend finds herself at the start of summer going to summer camp for the first time in her life. While at camp, mysterious things begin to happen, camp counselors disappear, the friendly fun atmosphere changes. Every night a truck passes by their cabin. Where is it going? One night they decide to sneak out and follow it. Along with her friend, May, they must get to the bottom of this mystery before it’s too late. Little do they know but danger awaits them.


    March 2013
    January 2012
    August 2011
    June 2011
    April 2011

